
Some Habits That Not fit for your health and weight

Some Habits That Not fit for your health and weight

Tea before bed? Catching up on sleep on weekends? If you want to lose weight and boost your energy, these activities might seem like good ideas, but they can actually be sabotaging your healthy living goals. We asked nutritionists and fitness experts to reveal the so-called healthy habits that you should ditch ASAP.

You’ve vowed to run three times a week. You’ve loaded your fridge with all the green juice. Heck, you’ve even memorized what 100 calories looks like. Especially with the new year coming, it’s common to juggle a laundry list of good-for-you resolutions.
But sometimes, even when you’re seemingly taking all of the right steps towards getting “healthy,” you can be unknowingly committing innocent missteps that sabotage your healthy efforts. We reached out to top nutritionists and fitness experts and asked them to share the common mistakes they see clients make, and the simple tweaks you can make to boost your energy, lose weight, and feel amazing stat.
You may think it’s an exemplary act, but nutritionists warn against the common weight-loss practice (and ditto for swapping a smoothie for any meal as part of a get-fit kick). “While well-rounded smoothie recipes absolutely exist, many ‘weight loss’ smoothies out there contain nothing more than fruit, and water or nut milk,” advises Kayleen St. John, RD, Executive Director of Nutrition and Strategic Development of Euphebe. “Some even contain upwards of two cups of fruit. While fruit is certainly healthy, consuming large amounts at once may still raise blood sugar and lead to an insulin spike(think: potential weight gain).” If you’re on-the-go and have to replace a shake for a proper meal, don’t include more than one cup of fruit and make sure you have a healthy fat — like peanut butter or avocado — and protein in there as well.
Guilty? You’re not alone. Many indulge in this seemingly innocuous habit, or use the strategy as an attempt to catch up on a weekday sleep deficit. But it isn’t doing your health any good, and may even compel you to overeat and be more exhausted during the workweek. “As luxurious as it feels to indulge in extra hours of sleep on weekends, it throws off your schedule and may disrupt your regular circadian rhythm,” cautions plant-based dietitian Julieanna Hever, MS, RD, author of The Vegiterranean Diet and The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition. “Try being consistent with sleep and wake times on all the days of the week.” For some shut-eye help, check out our favorite surefire ways to fall asleep.
You’ve bookmarked that YouTube yoga channel that your PTA friend mentioned for your daily morning flow, and it’s great. That pretty much means you’re a yogi, right? Not quite. “Generally, a yoga class that is more active or strength-building is going to use repetition of poses, a faster pace and sometimes more advanced poses. If you’re not familiar with the poses and how to do them correctly, you will not be getting the same strengthening benefits,” explains Rebecca Weible, Director and Founder of Yo Yoga! in New York City. “While the teacher may offer assistance and adjustments, they won’t be able to coach you through the whole class. If you’re new to yoga, a beginner’s class will feel plenty challenging and teach you to do the poses correctly.” Also seek out yin and restorative classes, which are good options for people just starting out.
Repeat after every nutritionist ever: Carbs are not the enemy. “The low-carb craze refuses to die. While we should definitely avoid processed carbohydrates (white flour and white sugar), whole grains shouldn’t be included here. Whole grains have a great deal of fiber (which keeps things moving in your system) and also foster the growth of beneficial gut bacteria,” offers St. John. “As we are learning more about the connection between gut bacteria (microbiome) and weight status, we know fiber intake is crucial.” Try using healthy whole grain staples like barley, brown rice or farro in lieu of white rice or pasta and keep serving size to about the size of your fist.
“Cutting out certain things like gluten before you have a diagnosed disease or sensitivity can actually cause test results to be inaccurate. For example, you cannot get an accurate result for the test for celiac disease if you have not been consuming gluten for a period of time before the test,” cautions Sarah-Jane Bedwell, RD, LDN, host of Cooking with Sarah-Jane video and blog series. “Not only that, but cutting foods out of your diet without a medical reason can mean missing out on important nutrients and becoming deficient in them.” If you think you have a legit problem with a food group, talk to a nutritionist or your doctor about the best way to proceed.
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