
Tips To Protect Your Body From Winter – Healthy Life

Tips To Protect Your Body From Winter – Healthy Life
protect body from winter


In winter, nails become weak and brittle and often split because of the dry air associated with low humidity and central heating. This is caused by the breaking of protein layers in the nail.

A diet lacking in essential fatty acids, known as the cosmetic vitamins, will also aggravate the problem – EFAs are essential in keeping skin soft and smooth. A good source is egg yolks. A supplement of the vitamin biotin will also help. To alleviate dry nails and cuticles, apply an emollient such as petroleum jelly, which holds moisture in and around the nails. At night, apply a thicker layer all over the hands and wear cotton gloves in bed to maximise absorption.

Dry nails can be treated by soaking them in a warm cup of olive oil for 15 to 30 minutes. Avoid nail products containing formaldehyde. They dry the nails and can cause dermatitis. Nails need to breathe to keep their strength, so don’t use polish for a few days so the air can reach them.


Cold weather, woollen hats and declining humidity in the atmosphere bring out the most acute symptoms of scalp ailments such as dandruff and seborrhoeic eczema during the winter.


According to John Firmage, fellow of the Institute of Trichologists, hair also becomes dry and brittle in the winter as lack of moisture in the atmosphere dries out the hair shaft. Infection and illness such as flu can also lead to an interruption of the growth cycle, leading to increased shedding of hair.

Cold weather means we are less likely to let hair dry naturally and using dryers and hair tongues causes thermal damage to the hair shaft. Protect the hair during the winter by using protein-based conditioning treatments to increase its moisture content.

Supplements containing Vitamin A, B12 and lysine will also promote growth while zinc will help combat scalp problems. Wool can irritate the scalp, so wear hats made from cotton or a man-made fibre.

Weight gain

At this time of year, many people gain weight. Cold weather makes us less active, while the festive season also exposes us to a greater intake of high-fat foods and we eat more. During the winter, many people develop a delayed sensation of satiety, and this can cause feelings of hunger, even after dinner. Some researchers have suggested that seasonal changes in our hormone levels could also be responsible for gaining all those extra pounds during the winter months.


The condition known as SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) or the ‘winter blues’ leads to fatigue and lethargy, and since the onset of SAD is related to a lack of sunlight, increase your daily exposure to high intensity artificial light.

Keep curtains and blinds open as long as possible and sit near windows at work.

Incorporate 30 minutes of moderate physical activity – such as a brisk walk or a regular swim – into your daily routine.

A craving for carbohydrates, which is also very common in the winter months, is one of the major complaints of those who suffer from the winter blues, so try to eat fruits and vegetables in season such as apples and bananas as these are filling and low in fat.
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