
When You Exercise But Do not weight loss read out why

When You Exercise But Do not weight loss read out why
Woman tired after intense workout on gym bike
Young woman tired after intense workout on gym bike. Relaxing her neck muscles after workout in fitness club.
Resolved to rev up your fitness routine in 2017? The secret to producing real results may be ditching your old workout and trying something entirely new.
Experts who study the science of human movement have known for years that not everyone responds to exercise in the same way. In fact, some people are “non-responders,” meaning exercise doesn’t give them the same boost in cardiovascular fitness (as measured by heart rate and other key fitness metrics) as other people. Why this occurs isn’t entirely clear, though scientists suspect genetics may play a role.

Now there’s new evidence suggesting that a person’s individual response to exercise may depend on the type of workout—and that switching from one routine to another could make all the difference.

For the study, published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, and the University of Ottawa followed 21 healthy women and men as they completed two types of workouts during two separate training periods, with a gap in between that lasted several months.

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Half of the participants did endurance training in the first period, then switched to interval training; the other half did the opposite. All of the participants exercised four times a week through each three-week period.

The endurance training consisted of 30 minutes of cycling on a stationary bike at a moderate level of exertion (about 65% of maximum heart rate). For the interval training, participants pumped up the intensity of their pedaling by doing eight 20-second sprints, resting 10 seconds between each.

Before the experiment began and after each training period, the researchers tested the participants to assess their heart rate, VO2 max (the maximum amount of oxygen the body can use), and other key measures of cardiovascular fitness.

They found that both workouts improved the fitness level of the group overall, by about the same amount. But when the researchers looked more closely at the individuals, they found that some people experienced greater improvements after endurance training than interval training; while others gained better results from interval training than endurance training.
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